XL joust   

"the balance 

  of  Powers".

XL  jousting helps Pro Athletic Teams enhance 

their Players' abilites...


we offer Travel-to-You (weekly, weekend, or whole day)

Skills Improvement Camps for Pro football, basketball, soccer, hockey,

and other Teams.  Skills Improvement Camps can also help Boxers, Surfers, 

Martial Artists, & Others significantly improve (focus, balance, reaction time, muscle mass, tension release, & more) when sporting in their own

chosen Professions.

Questions/Quotes & Scheduling...

Call:   301-729-4980 or  Text:   240-448-1405 

some examples of


Pole To Pole Striking techniques:

45° strike, lower quadrant (R), lower quad (L), upper quad (L), vertcal (R) push, verticle (L) push, twist

Aiming pole, or your body @ Competitors'

mid chest, heart, 

ribs, or face  is 

STRICTLY Prohibited !!

some examples of permitable Body Striking techniques:

(R)or (L) shoulder, (RL) shldrs quick strike combo, upper or lower leg, or foot (R) or (L), (RL) legs/ feet qck push combo  

standing position -- 2 to 4 Competitors begin in balance

various mattress type foam filled armaments are used to XL joust sport.  Training includes How to notice/effect Opponent vulnerabilities, & quickly act to result Your Win.

best chances of staying Balanced on a pedestal, or other elevated air inflated podiums is to Where socks, & soft leather or cloth (non skid) Sporting/Walking Shoes.