XL joust   

"the balance 

  of  Powers".

                 think strategically, act rapidly...


   done atop bases like (pedestals, zig zags, beams, tilting wheels, & other such elevated structures), that are manufactured with inflated mats for  "fall safety" of toppling Athletes, XL jousting is the modern Successor of Equestrian Jousting of Medieval Times, then performed by knights on horsebacks with lances for the settlement of rivalries, or chivalrous spectacle.  But, for a time pedestal Jousting slipped off it's "Royal Gallant" and had been, until

currently, revelry for Amatures looking for fast, Victorious notoriety at Events.     


   now, modern XL jousting is regarded as a safer "mashup" of 

  • martial art
  • sword or spear fighting
  • boxing

  • surfing


because the major Athletic Skill Sets developed are:

  • Body Stancing & Xtreme Balancing
  • quick Strategizing & Responding (strike/block; upper & lower body offense/defense Moves)
  • rapid Combinations assessing (mental), & their (physical) Application
  •  mind/body Coordinating  (open positions Awareness, & Movements)
  • body Energy Maximizing  (breathing control)

  • Adjusting to different "Fields" (a variety of unique Units are utilized to hone up different Skill Sets as Athletes progresses through a Week/Weekend Camp)

example sketch of Configuration of our 4 person Unit 

Pair sporting their

jousting Balance/Striking skills

example Configuration of our  2 person Tilting Unit

YR 2024  Athletes Winter

Camps,  & YEAR 2025 

are being Scheduled now!  (currently USA Athletes Skills Camps only)

Text: 240-448-1405

or Call: 301-729-4980





example Configuration for refining Pro, or College Athlete's retention of Balance (stable & in motion); speed of reactive or responsive Thought Processes, & How To Advantage an Opponents weaknesses

"for the Win" of a Sport.

shown:  (round pedestals, zig zags, round impound)